Megan enjoys touching the top of her head in photographs. It might have to do with her flexible arms- the product of doing yoga regularly. She recently emailed me a few pictures of herself wearing 'Bebe Zeva inspired' garments, such a veiled hat and pringles potato chip accessory. She's even wearing a Peter Pan collared twee dress and polka dot scarf, just like I referenced in this article for Thought Catalog called "How to be Twee"!

It's a tweem come true...

Here's my interpretation of what Megan Boyle might wear during the winter months of NYC.

Glasses- Tilly's
Scarf- Secondhand
Pea coat- Miss Sixty
Dress- Forever 21
Tights- Vera Wang
Loafers- Vintage
You'll notice that I etched some of Megan Boyle's iconic tattoos to my arm in liquid eyeliner. The Beat Happening rocket cat perfectly compliments her authentically twee aesthetic.
If Megan Boyle still hasn't won over your heart and soul, this Microsoft Paint drawing she made exclusively for Fated To Be Hated certainly will.

MEGAN BOYLE BLOG PRESENCE: http://tomhankssuperfan.blogspot.com/
MEGAN BOYLE TWITTER PRESENCE: http://twitter.com/meganboyle
MEGAN BOYLE THOUGHT CATALOG PRESENCE: http://thoughtcatalog.com/author/megan-boyle/
Or you can google her since she is clearly very relevant.

Everything is infinite (especially my seraphic adoration of Megan Boyle),
Bebe Zeva