Can I get a WHAAAAT WHAAAAAT for the new Converse campaign?? I'm loving how they've re-branded Converse sneakers to appeal to the party hardy generation. Sneakers no longer must be relegated to the boring and banal: exercise, errands, outdoor activity. With Converse, they've been liberated from the shackles of labels like 'practical' and 'comfy.' Sure, Converse are both of those things. But they're so much MORE, and the new campaign underscores their hip versatility with catch phrases like "shoes buy art, sneakers create it." Now that's what I'm talkin' bout! I'm no sucker for propaganda, but I can totally get behind a movement that calls for sneakers as signature foot gear for artists, innovators, and kids who let out battle cries like "YOLO" before jumping off the roof of their house and into a pool at midnight. A million thanks to Converse and for arranging this collaboration! I'm an avid fan of a classic shoe and love the ways in which Converse has chosen to represent itself this season. GET CRAZY.
Sunglasses - Foster Grant
Flag print top - OASAP
Light wash jacket - GUESS?
Flannel button-down - A&F
Lace-up navy shorts - SHOPPALU
This outfit is perfect for a pair of high-top Converse because it's consistent with the Americana aesthetic. Kicks look good on anyone with anything, but a flag print top and flannel button-down feel especially fitting. I wore this ensemble out for a long (and spontaneous) day of random shopping about town with my sis. That's what Converse are all about -- endurance and recklessness. The best decisions ever made are on whim. And what better way to wing it than with sneakers?
I got my first pair of Converse high-tops for my 16th birthday after seeing them on trendy it-girls of the era, like Cory Kennedy and Agyness Deyn. My life drastically changed soon after - maybe not as a direct result of owning the chucks I'd pined after for the months leading up to my birthday, but definitely while they were on my feet (or at least in my closet). No longer was I reserved and insecure; in the summer of 2009, I underwent my first of many adolescent metamorphoses. I was ambitious. Feeling more like the idols I admired through the lens of internet famous party photographers, I chased after my dream lifestyle. I was as silly as any 16 year old with aspirations of the "alternative" variety... I wanted a feature in Nylon magazine, a Wikipedia article, a fanbase, anything to validate my existence and affirm that my attempts to *be* as cool as I felt inside and looked outside were not in vain. I was your average teenage girl with too much curiosity and not enough reservation, humility, rationale. But maybe I didn't need it. Maybe had I fostered more mature goals for myself, I never would have become the person I am today. And it's crazy to think that a pair of shoes gave me the initial confidence boost I needed to spark the chase. Converse isn't kidding... shoes wouldn't. Sneakers definitely would.
Everything is infinite,
Bebe Zeva
How many black and white outfits in a row do you have to wear to before it's annoying? Asking for a friend. No, seriously, I feel like I'm hoarding inspiration of the 'stereotypical French fille' variety and manifesting it in my ever-more-Parisian wardrobe. It's funny because French people seriously don't dress the way I imagine that they do. Really emphasizes how un-cosmopolitan I am deep down... my sister has traveled to Europe and insists that, though Parisians are thin and gorgeous and conscious of their appearances, they don't wear black and white stripes quite as often as they wear Longchamp bags and flats. Boo. I want everyone to look like a page out of a coloring book. Except no colors, please. Can my monochromatic outfits emphasize that enough??
Veiled hat - Frank Olive, Neiman Marcus
Sunglasses - 80s Purple
Striped dress - YES STYLE
Lace socks - Forever 21
Polka dot heels - PINK & PEPPER
Bag - Lanvin
You know what's a cool thing? Stripes and polka dots in the same outfit. Even cooler is stripes ON stripes. I don't understand not being self-aware about cliche patterns and arranging obnoxious combinations for kitsch appeal. This outfit is pretty mild (if you're me) but now I have better ideas... in need of a mannequin to test my fashion visions before I publicly make a fool of myself. If you love the polka dots adorning my lil' feet, get yourself a pair by placing an order here or browse other styles on the PINK AND PEPPER page on DSW!
P.S. Romwe is having a MAJOR sale where everything in stock is 75% off until July 31st... that's the day after tomorrow! Like I said before, most of my staple garments, like blouses, sweaters, and skirts, come from Romwe. Even their accessory collection is top-notch! You can find creepers, stilettos, and chunky platform sandals in the shoe department. It's worth a look, even if you don't end up making a purchase. Lots of inspiration to go around!
Everything is infinite,
Bebe Zeva
What better way to describe a red, orange, and yellow outfit than with visions of the sun? This look embodies all the summer moments I spend not bathing in black and white... yes, I have a wildly colorful side! Of course my heart skipped a beat when I found this vivid paisley print dress on -- it reminds me of a gown Marilyn Monroe would have worn had she lived during the hippie hayday. I fixed this handmade yellow flower crown over my brown locks to compliment the yellow tones in the dress. And the mustard socks... what a perfect marriage of rainbow hues. Wish I had a festival to attend!
Crown - DIY
Socks - H&M (used to be tights, I cut them into socks!)
Leilla Heel - Pink & Pepper
I hope you're not tired of these heels yet... I'm obviously NOT. Actually, I'm still weirded out by how well they match the brightest bits in my wardrobe! Crazy stuff. Everyone needs a staple pair of peeptoe sandals to wear with their summer duds. If you're interested in a pair like mine, they're now for sale on Alloy! Get 'em here. Or go for the Raymond flat on DSW, which features the same Aztec print as is on the backside of my heels. Never not a good time to go shoe shopping, especially when so much awesomeness is available at the click of a mouse! Scary how easy it is to go overboard. But not scary enough to deter any of us from whippin' out the plastic, amiright?? ;)
Everything is infinite,
Bebe Zeva