Me wearing a skirt in January should not be news to you... I'm big on scrapping conventions and taking risks year round. In my defense, it's 70 degrees today. And I don't own white pants. Maybe that's something I should invest in since I can't depend on weather so unpredictably pleasant that it's disturbing for the rest of my life. I'm wearing another knit sweater from da FABULOUS STAINS, and this one has a hood. Check it out here, $20!

Scarf - Nordstrom
Pearls - Vintage
Skirt - Secondhand
Espadrilles - Nine West,
I'm not a pearl person. Really. Something about a strand of pearls seems so conservative and square to me. I also have a terrible habit of assuming all pearl necklaces are really just cheap costume jewelry, so it leaves the impression of being tacky. Which makes no sense at all, because I don't believe in spending thousands (or even hundreds) of dollars on jewelry, and my pearls are fake, and I'm a huge fan of tacky everything. Sometimes I can't understand myself! Perhaps my distaste for pearls comes from me just not liking the way they look and absolutely nothing to do with how much they cost. All that said, I'm fond of pearls on a gold chain. Just not in a strand. Maybe this is just a phase and next year I'll be so into pearl strands that I track the tag "pearl" on Tumblr and reblog millions of pictures of them and eventually start a fan club on Facebook. PEOPLE CHANGE, believe it.

Everything is infinite,
Bebe Zeva