Safe to say I've found the ULTIMATE ironic t-shirt. Though I'm rockin' a text tee with "PINK GIRLS KNOW HOW TO PARTY" emblazoned across the chest, I'm definitely not a hard partier. Really. At every birthday bash, I'm the girl in the corner answering formspring questions on her iPhone while you're getting smashed on Mike's Hard Lemonade. No, I don't need a beer to coerce me into crawling on top of the furniture while dancing provocatively to Ace of Base. Yes, I am shameless enough to reclaim Britney Spears' "Slave 4 U" 2001 dance moves while sober. No, I'm sincerely not embarrassed.
Not sure what you guys wear to parties, but I think this outfit here is an ideal look for me. Normally I wear giant heels, but I recognize that creepers are more functional because 1) they're easier to dance in and 2) you probably won't trip over in them while drunk-stumbling to the toilet in the guest bathroom. I layered on the jewelry for that 'heavy metal' look... one part music genre, two parts literal interpretation of the junk hanging from my neck and fingers. Aaaand I threw a Chanel necklace into the mix as a big 'eff you' to Coco for trying to convince me that minimalism is cool. Yeah right!!!! *raises red cup and chugs*
Everything is infinite,
Bebe Zeva